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Writer's pictureAnusuya

Effective Reflective Practice

This is a sample of academic writing that I have done

Effective reflective practice is when you can reflect on what you have worked on. When patients suffer from dementia, they have a hard time dealing with everyday situations, therefore it is important that they are taken care of and as a caregiver, it can be a challenge. In this profession, effective reflective practice can take the criticism that you are given. We can explore this by the six (PLAD) themes that have been stated. The six themes that are mentioned are: legal (regarding rules and regulations), professional (regarding values, attitudes, and behaviors), health (regarding health safety and safeguarding through lifespan skills), diversity (regarding promoting diversity and difference of thought), physical and mental wellbeing (regarding the physical and mental wellbeing and how to take care of it ) and lastly applied mathematics (regarding the technological developments that happen in the medical field). Medical journals are of great importance as they give an insight into what the latest developments are in medical science.


Evidence of effective reflective practice in own area of work practice

When there is no effective reflective practice in the healthcare and support care system then there is room for errors, like if you are unable to understand a patient then it is not a suitable environment for the patient. In the field of mental health, there is always the need for effective reflective practice as this is a sensitive field and at times involves high-risk patients. It has been shown that is there is a chance for staff to reflect on what could have been done better, then it helps the medical professionals develop professionally and helps you develop personally as well.

In this context, the Gibbs reflective cycle is used. The Gibbs Reflective Cycle is:

· Description of the experience

o How was the experience?

o Was it right or wrong?

Feelings and thoughts about the experience:

How did the person feel about the experience?

Do they have any thoughts about the experience, good or bad?

Evaluation of the experience, both good and bad

Is there something that could have been different about the experience?

Could this experience be avoided?

Analysis to make sense of the situation.

Was there something that could have been avoided?

Conclusion about what was learned and what could have been done differently.

What was learned from the experience?

Action plan for how this might be dealt with in the future or general changes that can be deemed appropriate.

What are the next steps that can be taken to make sure that these mistakes are nit repeated in the future?

If this cycle is put into practice, then mistakes can be avoided. This can be a good tool to use for type of healthcare profession or support services. It has been shown in a study that while using the Gibbs Reflective cycle when using the “conclusion” and “action plan” stage, they were able to take the patient’s history properly and in turn improved their history taking and medical knowledge.

Evidence of Reflective Practice in a workplace

The themes that have been provided below are themes that reflect what a healthcare work environment is like. When we deal with dementia patients, we must keep in mind that they are one of the most patients in terms of care. They need a lot of extra attention. If we don’t use reflective practice in our work environment.

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